Thursday, May 16, 2013

Belorado to Villafranca Montes de Oca

Thursday May16
Stayed at La Casa de Cuatro Cantones last night in Belorado. I had asked if we could have at least one bottom bunk when I made the reservation and bless their little hearts they gave us two bottom bunks. We paid 4 €uros extra to be in a smaller room with fewer people (10 €uros instead of 6) and so were in a room with 2 very polite young German boys/men above us.

The albergue has a restaurant which prides itself in making homemade food and in fact made a very tasty meal for us all. But one problem that happened that day was that there was someone who seemed to want a new pair of boots. He took one pair for several hours, presumably while he went out for a drink or whatever, then he brought them back (they were at least two sizes too small) and tried to take another pair but the boot owner happened to be there and was able to stop him. Of course the thief, whose old boots were there pretended it was a mistake. Then in the morning a young Danish man and the hospitalero were both missing their boots. So - for anyone who is planning to go, I recommend painting or otherwise putting a very obvious mark on the back of your boots so there is no way anyone can 'borrow' them accidentally.

Most places make us take our boots off at the door and leave them on shelves where everyone has access to them. The camino is a place where 99 percent of the time all of your belongings are safe, but it only takes one dickhead to ruin it for someone- as usual.

Today we walked only a short time as planned-12 kilometers. It was a pretty uneventful walk and we stopped once for a coffee. It went quickly and we were safely in our home for the night before noon. We were laughing because if we were at home and had gone for a 12 kilometer walk we would think we had gone on a fairly good hike- but here it's just a quick walk:)

We're staying at a casa rural today so there are only the two of us in a room. The restaurant is right next door so food and drink is readily available.

Today was predicted to have rain but it was sunny and quite cold and windy. We're hoping for sun or at least no rain in the morning because we have a pretty big hill to climb and it gets slippery quickly when it's wet.

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