Once I get my bag packed I'll let you know what's in it. I'm still wavering a bit because I've been watching the weather on the Aubrac Plateau where we will walk for most of first week. This is the site http://www.weather-forecast.com/locations/Aumont-Aubrac/forecasts/latest . It's been listing the nastiest weather in the last couple of weeks - minus 20 degrees centigrade with the wind chill factor. Br-r . But it's starting to look a bit better for the week of the 19th to 25th of March with daytime highs varying between 1 degree and 10 degrees and lows varying between minus 6 and plus 7 degrees with the wind between 5 and 25 km/hr. I'm hoping to do without the woolie long johns but still not entirely sure if that's wise. I wonder if they have chinooks in France or if that's a Canadian thing? It sounds like they could use one!!
Since we're starting the day after Easter Monday (Easter is March 31st this year) I surmised from comments of others that there could be hoards of enthusiastic French hikers enjoying the trails in the spring weather so I decided to make reservations for the first week to be sure we had no difficulties with where we would sleep. I think that first week will be enough of a challenge without adding to it. In my very primitive French I sent off emails to the places I thought we'd like to stay. And a big thanks here to the folks who produce Miam Miam Dodo. All addresses, phone numbers and email addresses are conveniently there along with enough information including pricing, about each possible spot to help make choices. I gather there has been a problem in the past about people making reservations and not showing up, so most, but not all places are now looking for a down payment. That can be complex as most want it in a form not easily available to us in North America.
Here's an example of one of the replies I got after requesting a reservation. (My French is far from great so I'm assuming they understood that I was asking for a reservation and not something completely different!)
"Si vous souhaitez confirmer merci de nous adresser un montant 30€ à titre d'arrhes, sous 5 jours.
Vous pouvez
régler ces arrhes de 3 façons :
- soit par carte bancaire
par téléphone. Le détenteur de la carte donne expressément l'autorisation aux XXXXXXXX de prélever le montant des arrhes convenu dans les présentes
conditions de vente.
- soit par chèque bancaire (à l'ordre des XXXXXXXX)
- soit par chèque bancaire (à l'ordre des XXXXXXXX)
- soit par virement
bancaire (pour les frais merci de vérifier ce point avec votre banque) dans ce
cas notre RIB vous sera joint par mail.
Toute réservation n'est
considérée comme ferme et définitive qu'à réception des arrhes."
(Little note on French - look right after each dash where it says 'soit' ... and 'soit' .... I just learned that this is the way you say either this or that or that - it's the 'either or' thing. I was really pleased to see it used in real life after studying it in my French lessons. And speaking of French lessons...I'm really enjoying some French tapes I got. They're by a guy name Michel Thomas - who's not alive anymore but he has one of the best ways of teaching a language I've ever come across. I think you can get his tapes either from amazon or his website - which is basically his name. If you do go to his website, you can try a little sample of how he teaches to see if you like it - www.michelthomas.com)
And that's enough for today. 17 days until we're on the trail!!
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